General Information
Target Audience
This course is dedicated to healthcare professionals in the Bariatriac industry
Pre-requisite for attendees
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At the end of each course, a certifcate will be delivered to all the attendees.
The course is currently under evaluation for accreditation
Session Criterias for Bariatric Surgery
- English Language Proficent (speaking and understanding)
- Consultant level
- Potential to perform ≥ 20 procedures per annum
- Committed to attend full pathway
- Committed to provide metrics through follow-up (6 months)
- Ability to schedule ≥2 Lap-Band cases within 30 days of completing educational pathway
- Laparoscopic experience desireable
- Bariatric/Metabolic service on site
- Support of MIS bariatric approach from Chief
- Allows 2 delegates to simultanously attend entire educational pathway
- Allows proctor attendance in OR
- Allows collection of follow-up adoption data
- MIS equipment available
- Faculty toolkit or equivalent available to delegate
- Scrub nurse attendance recommended
- Support of MIS Bariatric approach from anesthetist and key surgical team members highly recommended